Superheroes of KC Origins: Jonah | Written by Annie Noll (Jonah's Mom)

Superheroes of KC Origins: Jonah | Written by Annie Noll (Jonah's Mom)


At three years old, Jonah was full-speed ahead until Neuroblastoma started a fight...

In 2011, a young couple had a baby boy named Jonah. 

Jonah seemed just like any other child (except extra cute.) 

Little did they know...

At three years old, Jonah surprised everyone when his powers, super human agility and miraculous healing, revealed themselves. A nemesis, Neuroblastoma, had come to defeat him.

He fought the disease on and off for two and half years. He weakened it with chemo, set it a-blaze with radiation, and used immunotherapy as a sneak attack. But, he always slowed down to snuggle-in with his mom at night.

In April 2017, Jonah thwarted Neuroblastoma's final strike with his best trick yet: he changed form and left for Heaven, leaving his nemesis in the dust.

His last words: "Go get my sword".

The young couple miss him, but were given a gift to help them heal. In June

2017, they had Jonah’s baby brother, Harrison. So far, Harrison seems just
like any other child...


Jonah with mom, AnnieExtra Cute Baby.


Jonah and parents Jonah seemed like any other child to his parents.


Jonah battling cancerUntil, Neuroblastoma started a fight.


 Jonah Pics He fought back with his powers of super human agility and miraculous healing.


Jonah and Sword Leaving Neuroblastoma in the dust, his last words on earth: "Go get my sword."

HarrisonJonah's baby brother Harrison, a gift to help his parents heal.


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